Integrated Partners

Employees 30 | Firm Type Hybrid | CEO Paul Saganey | Location Waltham, Mass. | Primary Custodian LPL Financial | Broker-Dealer LPL Financial

The key to a successful organization is to allow people to do what they love, said Paul Saganey, founder and CEO of Integrated Partners.  For the past 20 years, the firm has been using Kolbe assessments as a tool to accomplish this.

These assessments screen potential employees for “instinctive strengths”— how they take action and communicate — and identify certain patterns. The company applies this information in its day-to-day operations as well.

“When we do any projects, large or small, we build the team according to peoples’ profile to have the right mix of interests,” Saganey said.

He describes the following sub-teams that are formed according to what participants excel in and prefer:

  • Creative — the people who think big and come up with ideas
  • Implementation — those who do research, fact-finding, and ways to make it happen
  • Follow-through — the ones who keep everyone accountable during the whole process

Using this approach keeps staff excited and motivated and enhances their ability to grow, he said.